API Documentation/en
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EUserv Reseller API
Our API is based on the XML-RPC protocol, which is a Remote Procedure Calling protocol that works via Internet.
XML-RPC messages are HTTP-POST requests in XML (Extensible Markup Language).
A “method call” will be executed on the server and will produce a response, which is also formatted in XML and which can be decoded into several variables.
Method call parameters and returned variables can be strings, integers (numbers) and also complex types like arrays and hashes. Required parameters and return values are method-specific. Some parameters or return values are marked as “optional”; all other values/parameters are required.
API Servers
Please note that both servers currently use self-signed SSL certificates! It is possible, that you have to disable “peer verifying” to connect!
The live environment is available via HTTPS (HTTP via SSL, Port 443) at:
– https://api.euserv.net:443
For developing/testing purposes, please use the sandbox environment, which is also available via HTTPS(Port 443) at:
– https://api.test.euserv.net:443
The sandbox environment is a virtual environment for testing and developing. All data/values/servers/orders will be copied into the sandbox environment every night, excepting the API user accounts. That means you have to create separate API user accounts within the sandbox environment. Assigned tasks, e.g. server resets or reinstallations, will automatically marked as done every 5 minutes.
PHP Examples
We have added PHP examples to show you, how you can use our API with PHP. In our examples, we use 'XML-RPC for PHP' as the core libary. You can find this libary here:
Method Specifications
The following part contains information about method calls, method parameters and method return values.
Generally, if a method call was completed successfully, the return message will include the following status code:
Field | Type | Value |
status | int | 100 |
If a method call was failed, a XML-Fault message with “Fault-Code” and “Fault-String” will be returned.(See also chapter “XML Fault-Codes”)
API Debug/Testing Methods
This Method returns the current API version.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
api_version | string | Current API version |
API Documentation RunningExamples debug.get_api_version PHP
This Method returns all the parameters, it was called with. You can use it to check the format of your call parameters. Notice that only supported parameter keys with correctly formatted values will be accepted!
Every supported parameter key; see parameters of other methods.
Every committed parameter with its committed value.
API Documentation RunningExamples debug.pingpong PHP
API User-Management Methods
This Method is used to create new API user accounts
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
acc_sub_id | string | Name of the new account; will be attached to management account's name separated by a point. (e.g. 'subacc' will become api123.subacc) Required are 3-8 chars [a-z] or [0-9] |
acc_passwd_base64 | string base64 | Password for the new account (has to be base64-encoded) acc_ipv4_bindings string At least one allowed IPv4 address for using the new account. You can specify multiple values; each separated by a semicolon. Network-addresses and IPranges will not work. |
acc_allowed_groups (optional) | string | Method group memberships for this account. Management account needs permissions for every mentioned group. You can specify multiple |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
acc_name | string | The complete name of the new account (e.g. 'api1234.subacc') |
acc_added_ip_bindings | int | Number (amount) of added IP bindings |
acc_added_groups | int | Number (amount) of added group memberships |
This Method is used to modify settings and/or permissions of API user accounts.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
acc_id | string | Complete name of the account which will be modified (e.g. 'acc_id' => 'api1234.subacc') |
acc_passwd_base64 (optional) | string base64 | New account password in base64-encoded format. Using this parameter will overwrite the old password. |
acc_ipv4_bindings (optional) | string | At least one allowed IPv4 address for using the new account. You can specify multiple values; each separated by a semicolon. Networkaddresses and IP-ranges will not work. You can specify multiple values, each separated by a semicolon. Using this parameter will overwrite old bindings. |
acc_allowed_groups (optional) | string | This parameter will set method group memberships for the account and overwrite existing ones. Management account needs permissions for every mentioned group. You can specify multiple values, each separated by a semicolon. (e.g. 'acc_allowed_groups' => 'domain;server;vserver') |
acc_status (optional) | string enum | Parameter to deactivate or to (re-)activate theParameter to deactivate or to (re-)activate the account Value must be “active” or “inactive” |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
acc_password_changed | bool | Shows if password has changed or not |
acc_ip_bindings_changed | bool | Shows if IP bindings have changed or not |
acc_groups_changed | bool | Shows if group memberships have changed or not |
acc_status_changed | bool | Shows if account's status has changed or not (has set active or inactive) |
This Method is used to get all API user accounts and their settings/details
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
acc_list_count | int | Number (amount) of available API user accounts |
acc_list_data | array asoc | Contains all the account data in a multidimensional, associative array. Array’s keys equals API user’s login names, e.g. $array ['api1234.subacc'] Values are contained in the second dimension, e.g. $array ['api1234.subacc'] ['status'] |
acc_list_data – Keys of second dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
status | string | Account’s status, can be “active” or “inactive” |
created | string | “Datetime” of account creation |
lastchange | string | “Datetime” of account’s last change groups array Contains all active method group names (e.g. 0 => “server”, 1 => “vserver”) |
ip_bindings | array | Contains all active IP bindings (IP restrictions) |
Server-related Methods
This Method is used to get all manageable servers and basic details for further method calls. Only these servers which are manageable by the used API user will be returned.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
server_list_count | int | Number (amount) of available servers |
server_list_data | array asoc | Contains basic server details in a multidimensional, associative array. Keys of the first dimension equals the server order numbers: e.g. $array ['123456'] Values are contained in the second dimension: e.g. $array ['12345'] ['srv_main_ip'] returns the main |
server_list_data – Keys of second dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
order_desc | string | Description/Product name |
srv_id | int | Server’s unique ID (required for further method calls) |
srv_main_ip | string | Primary IP address |
srv_name | string | Server name (for network settings) |
status | string enum | Server or order status: - “ready” means server can be used - “in_rescue” means server can be used but it’s currently in rescue mode - “in_process” means server is not available at present - “locked” means server/order is locked by the provider |
API Documentation RunningExamples server.list_servers PHP
This Method is used to get all details of a manageable server. Only these servers are available, which are manageable by the used API.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | Server's unique ID |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
server_details | array (asoc) | Contains all server details in an associative array |
server_details – Keys of second dimension
Key Name | Type | Description |
order_no | int | Server contract’s order number |
order_desc | string | Description/Product name |
srv_id | int | Server’s unique ID (required for further method calls) |
srv_main_ip | string | Primary IP address |
srv_name | string | Server name (for network settings) |
srv_netmask | string | Netmask for network / IP address setup |
srv_broadcast | string | Broadcast address for network / IP address setup |
srv_gateway | string | Gateway address for network / IP address setup |
srv_status | string enum | Server or order status: - “ready” means server can be used - “in_rescue” means server is currently in rescue mode - “in_process” means server is not available at present - “locked” means server/order is locked by the provider |
srv_default_pw | string | Default password for initial login or rescue usage |
srv_mac | string | MAC-Address of server’s first network device |
srv_mac2 (optional) | string | MAC-Address of server’s optional second network device |
srv_cpu | string | Processor (Product) name / Description |
srv_cpu_cores | int | Number of (available) CPU cores |
srv_cpu_mhz | int | CPU clock rate in MHz srv_64bit_support bool CPU support for 64bit (true or false) |
srv_ram_type | string | Type of used memory (e.g. DDR2-RAM) |
srv_ram_size | int | Size of memory in MB |
srv_hdd_type | string | Harddisk bus type (e.g. SATA) |
srv_hdd_size | int | Size of each hdd (e.g. 250) |
srv_hdd_count | int | Number of installed harddisks |
srv_has_hwraid | bool | Hardware-RAID support (true or false) |
srv_hwraid_level | string | Used Hardware-RAID level (“none” or level, e.g. “1”) |
srv_os_id | int | ID of currently used OS image (for reinstall) |
srv_os_name | string | Name/description of currently used OS image |
srv_os_is_64bit | bool | OS image 64bit support (true or false) |
API Documentation RunningExamples server.get_details PHP
This Method is used to get all possible OS images for a specific server ID. Only compatible and usable OS images will be returned here.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | Server's unique ID |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
os_images_asoc_array | array asoc | Contains details of every possible/available OS image in a multidimensional, associative array. Keys of the first dimension equals the OS image number, called “os_id”: e.g. $array ['240'] Values are contained in the second dimension: e.g. $array ['240'] ['os_name'] returns the name/description of OS image with ID 240. |
os_images_asoc_array – Keys of second dimension
Key Name | Type | Description |
os_id | int | ID of OS image (for reinstall) |
os-status | string enum | stable | unstable | testing |
os_name | string | Name/description of OS image |
os_is_64bit | bool | OS image 64bit support (true or false) |
os_raidlevel | int | Provided software RAID level or “-1” if none |
API Documentation RunningExamples server.get_possible_os_images PHP
This Method is used to perform a hard server reset.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | Server’s unique ID |
Only “status” = “100” if request was accepted
API Documentation RunningExamples server.reset PHP
This Method is used to perform an automatic server reinstall with a specified OS image ID. Only compatible images will be accepted – you can obtain a list of all compatible OS images by using the “server.get_possible_os_images” API method.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | Server’s unique ID |
srv_os_id | int | ID of target OS image |
srv_perform_reset | bool | Perform automatic server reset, to start installation? (“true” or “false”) If you choose “false” here, you have to perform |
Only “status” = “100” if request was accepted
API Documentation RunningExamples server.autoreinstall PHP
This Method is used to activate a rescue system for a specified server, which will be started during next boot.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | Server's unique ID |
srv_perform_reset | bool | Perform automatic server reset, to start rescue system? (“true” or “false”) If you choose “false” here, you have to perform a manual reboot via SSH to start the rescue system. |
rescue_mode | int | {optional} the desired rescue mode (1 = enable default rescue, 2 = enable vKVM, 3 = enable Linux rescue 64 bit, 4 = enable rescue 32 bit (only old systems), 5 = enable FreeBSD rescue 64 bit, 6 = enable FreeBSD rescue 32 bit (only old systems), 7 = enable Windows rescue) |
Only “status” = “100” if request was accepted
API Documentation RunningExamples server.rescue_activate PHP
This Method is used to get the current reverse DNS entry (PTR record) for a specified server IP address.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | Server's unique ID |
ip_address | string | IP address to get reverse entry for |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
ip_address | string | IP address for delivered record |
ptr_reverse_record | string | Reverse entry (PTR record) |
API Documentation RunningExamples server.ipaddr_get_reverse PHP
This Method is used to set a reverse DNS entry for a specified server IP address.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | Server's unique ID |
ip_address | string | IP address to modify reverse entry |
reverse_entry | string | Reverse entry for specified IP as hostname/ |
Only “status” = “100” if request was accepted
API Documentation RunningExamples server.ipaddr_set_reverse PHP
PURPOSE - (server.ipv6addr_set_main)
Creates a IPv6 address for the server.
CALL PARAMETERS - (server.ipv6addr_set_main)
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | Server's unique ID/ |
RETURNS - (server.ipv6addr_set_main)
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_main_ipv6 | string | New IPv6 address |
METHOD ERRORS - (server.ipv6addr_set_main)
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | ipv6 address already exist | The main IPv6 address is already set. |
1002 | can not find ipv6prefix | The IPv6 prefix can not be found. |
1003 | can not find ipv4 adress | The server is not ready yet. |
1004 | can not generade ipv6 address | Internal error. Please contact the support! |
PHP EXAMPLE - (server.ipv6addr_set_main)
API Documentation RunningExamples server.ipv6addr_set_main PHP
PURPOSE - (server.ipv6addr_get_reverse)
This Method is used to get the current reverse DNS entry (PTR record) for a specified server IPv6 address.
CALL PARAMETERS - (server.ipv6addr_get_reverse)
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | Server's unique ID |
ipv6_address | string | IPv6 address to get reverse entry for |
RETURNS - (server.ipv6addr_get_reverse)
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
ipv6_address | string | IPv6 address for delivered record |
reverse_entry | string | Reverse entry (PTR record) |
METHOD ERRORS - (server.ipv6addr_get_reverse)
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | ipv6address not linked to srv_id | The given IPv6 address is not linked to the Server. |
1002 | no reverse-entry linked | There is no reverse_entry linked to the IPv6 address. |
PHP EXAMPLE - (server.ipv6addr_get_reverse)
API Documentation RunningExamples server.ipv6addr_get_reverse PHP
PURPOSE - (server.ipv6addr_set_reverse)
This Method is used to set a reverse DNS entry for a specified server IPv6 address.
CALL PARAMETERS - (server.ipv6addr_set_reverse)
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | Server's unique ID |
ipv6_address | string | IPv6 address to modify reverse entry |
reverse_entry | string | Reverse entry for specified IP as hostname/ |
RETURNS - (server.ipv6addr_set_reverse)
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
ipv6_address | string | IPv6 address for delivered record |
reverse_entry | string | Reverse entry (PTR record) |
METHOD ERRORS - (server.ipv6addr_set_reverse)
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | ipv6address not linked to srv_id | The given IPv6 address is not linked to the Server. |
1002 | internal error | Internal error. Please contact the support! |
1003 | internal error | Internal error. Please contact the support! |
1004 | internal error | Internal error. Please contact the support! |
1005 | no reverse_entry linked | There is no reverse_entry linked to ipv6 address function. |
PHP EXAMPLE - (server.ipv6addr_set_reverse)
API Documentation RunningExamples server.ipv6addr_set_reverse PHP
This Method is used to display all possible server-items you can order. Please note that this function only available for Reseller.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
possible_server_items | array (asoc) | Contains all possible serveritems in a associative array |
possible_server_items - Keys of second dimension
Key Name | Type | Description |
item_id | int | Server-item unique ID |
item_name | string | The name of the server-item |
item_net_amount | string | The net amount of the serveritem (per billing period) |
item_gross_amount | string | The gross amount of the serveritem (per billing period) |
item_net_setup_fee | string | The net setup fee (unique) of the server-item |
item_gross_setup_fee | string | The gross setup fee (unique) of the server-item |
item_billing_period | int | The period you have to pay for your server (in months) |
item_contract_running_time | int | The running time of the contract |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | can not load customer_id | Error while loading the customer_id from api-user. Please contact the support! |
1002 | can not load as_id | Error while loading the as_id from api-user. Please contact the support! |
1003 | internal error | Internal error. Please contact the support! |
1004 | no possible items found | There are no possible serveritems you can order. |
1005 | this function is only available for reseller | You are not a reseller, you can not use this function. |
API Documentation RunningExamples server.get_possible_server_items PHP
This method is used to order some server. Please note that this function only available for Reseller.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
<item_id> | int | Use the item_id of the serveritem you want to order as a key and the quantity of the server as the value eg. '11716' => '1' (order one server with the item_id '11716') |
accept_terms_and_conditions | bool | Set this flag to accept the terms and conditions(0 = NO, 1= YES). If you don't accept the terms and conditions, you can't order server. The terms and conditions can be found here: http://euserv.de/unternehmen/agb.php |
accept_special_terms_and_conditions_rootserver | bool | Set this flag to accept the spezial terms and conditions rootserver(0 = NO, 1= YES). If you don't accept the spezial terms and conditions rootserver, you can't order server. The spezial terms and conditions rootserver can be found here: http://euserv.de/produkte/server/tosfdrs.php |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
total_amount | string | The total amount for the server you have ordered |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | can not load customer_id | Error while loading the customer_id from api-user. Please contact the support! |
1002 | can not load a_id | Error while laoding the as_id from api-user. Please contact the support! |
1003 | terms and conditions must be accepted | To order server you must accept the terms and conditions. |
1004 | special terms and conditions rootserver must be accepted | To order server you must accept the spezial terms and conditions rootserver. |
1005 | internal error | Internal error. Please contact the support! |
1006 | no items found | No items found. Please check your request. |
1007 | internal error | Internal error. Please contact the support! |
1008 | invalid item_id found | One of your item-ids is invalid. Please check your request. |
1009 | internal error | Internal error. Please contact the support! |
1010 | this function is only available for reseller | You are not a reseller, you can not use this function. |
API Documentation RunningExamples server.order_server PHP
This method is used to get a traffic-graph for your server.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srv_id | int | The id of the server for which you want to get a traffic-graph. |
graph_mode(optional) | int | The mode of the graph you want to get (0 = LAST DAY, 1 = LAST WEEK,2 = LAST MONTH,3 = LAST YEAR). |
graph_language(optional) | string | The language of the graph you want to get (ISO Country Code, lower case). Possible types are 'en', 'de'. Default is 'en'. |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
traffic_graph | string | The base64 encoded data of the graph you want to get. |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | srv_id not given | The srv_id was not given. |
1002 | srv_graph_mode not valid | The given srv_graph_mode is not valid. |
1003 | can not load portdata | Cannot load portdata, please contact the support! |
1004 | can not load portdata | Cannot load portdata, please contact the support! |
1005 | can not load portdata | Cannot load portdata, please contact the support! |
API Documentation RunningExamples server.get_traffic_graph PHP
This method reads the traffic of the submitted srvord_id and returns this.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
srvord_id | int | The srvord_id od the desired server. |
startdate(optional) | string | The startdate, format YYYY-mm-dd, if start date and end date are not specified the actual month is shown. |
enddate(optional) | string | The end date, format YYYY-mm-dd, if start date and end date are not specified the actual month is shown. |
date_format(optional) | string | The format in which the date should be issued, DEFAULT YYYY-mm-dd, details: HERE |
unit_type(optional) | int | The desired unit in which all be returned, possible values 1 = Kilobyte, 2 = Megabyte, 3 = Gigabyte, DEFAULT byte |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
status | int | 100 (everything ok - traffic has been read) |
traffic_data | array_asoc | A href of traffic data in which element ID is a sequential number (start = 0, end = traffic_data_count - 1) |
traffic_data_count | int | The number of elements in traffic_data |
traffic_sum | float | The number of the traffic over the desired period of time |
traffic_data – Keys of second dimension
Key Name | Type | Description |
Element ID | array_asoc | the id of the element in the array |
traffic_data – Keys of third dimension
Key Name | Type | Description |
date | string | The date of the entry in the desired format |
in | float | the incoming traffic in the desired format |
out | float | the outgoing traffic in the desired format |
sum | float | the entire traffic in the desired format |
Domain-related Methods
This method is used to give you an overview of your domain orders an their features.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
domain_orders | array asoc | Contains domain order data |
Keys of the second dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
<order_id> | array asoc | Contains domain order data |
Key of the third dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
domain_id | int | The id of the current domain. |
domain_name | string | The name of the current domain. |
domain_name_idn | string | The name idn of the current domain. |
feature_redirect | int | Tells you, if the redirect feature is disabled or enabled(0/1). |
feature_dns | int | Tells you, if the redirect feature is disabled or enabled(0/1). |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | can not load customer data | Error while loading the customer data. Please contact the support! |
1002 | no domain orders found | No domain orders can be found. |
API Documentation RunningExamples domain.get_domain_orders PHP
This method is used to get the details of the domain order.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
order_id | int | The order id of that order you want to see the details. |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
domain_order_details | array asoc | Contains domain order details. |
domain_order_details - Keys of the second dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
order_id | array asoc | Contains domain order details. |
<order_id> - Keys of the third dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
order_status | int | The current order status(1 = ready, 3 = in process, 11 = transfer in process, 12 = waiting) |
domain_id | int | The domain id of the current domain. |
domain_name | string | The domain name of the current domain. |
domain_name_idn | string | The domain name of the current domain. |
dns_record_type | array asoc | An array asoc of available dns record types and there data .(A, AAAA, MX, AFSDB, CERT, CNAME, DNSKEY, DS, HINFO, KEY, LOC, NAPTR, NSEC, RP, RRSIG, SPF, SSHFP, SRV, TXT) |
redirect_record_type | array asoc | An array asoc of available redirect record types(frameredirect, headerredirect) |
redirect_record_max | int | The maximum of redirect records you can create. |
redirect_record_used | int | The count of used redirect records. |
redirect_record_free | int | The count of free redirect records. |
dns_record_type - Keys of the fourth dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
<dns_record_type> | array asoc | An array asoc of the current dns record type data. |
<dns_record_type> - Keys of the fifth dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
dns_record_max | int | The maximum of dns records you can create. |
dns_record_used | int | The count of dns records you have already used. |
dns_record_free | int | The count of free dns records. |
redirect_record_type – Keys of the fourth dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
<redirect_record_type> | int | A flag that tells you if the redirect_record_type is available. |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | order_id is invalid | The given order id is invalid |
1002 | order_id is not managed by api user | The given order id is not managed by you |
1003 | domain order not found | The given domain order was not found. |
1004 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
API Documentation RunningExample domain.get_domain_order_details PHP
This method is used to create an dns record for your domain.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
domain_id | int | The domain id of the domain you want to create a dns record. |
dns_record_subdomain (optional) | string | The subdomain of the dns record you want to create. |
dns_record_type | string | The type of the dns record you want to create. Possible Types are A, AAAA, MX, AFSDB, CERT, CNAME, DNSKEY, DS, HINFO, KEY, LOC, NAPTR, NSEC, RP, RRSIG, SPF, SSHFP, SRV, TXT |
dns_record_value | string | The value of the dns record you want to create ( e.g euserv.de). |
dns_record_prio (optional) | int | The record prio of the dns record you want to create(only essential for mx records). |
dns_record_ttl | int | The ttl of the dns record you want to create. At least 43200. |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
dns_record_id | int | The id of the dns record you have created. |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | domain_id not given | The domain_id was not given. |
1002 | dns_record_subdomain invalid | The given dns_record_subdomain is invalid. |
1003 | dns_record_type not given | The dns_record_type was not given. |
1004 | dns_record_type not valid | The given dns_record_type is not valid. |
1005 | dns_record_value not given | The dns_record_value was not given. |
1006 | dns_record_value not valid | The given dns_record_value is not valid. |
1007 | dns_record_prio not given | You want to create an mx record and no dns_record_prio was given. |
1008 | dns_record_ttl not given or to low | The dns_record_ttl was not given or lower then 43200. |
1009 | domain not found | There are no domain found for domain_id. |
1010 | order not ready | The domain order is not ready so you can't create dns records. |
1011 | domain not managed by customer | The domain of the given domain_id was not managed by you. |
1012 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1013 | can not load domain data | Cannot load domain data, please contact the support! |
1014 | internal error | Cannot load domain data, please contact the support! |
1015 | dns_record_type not possible in this order | The given dns_record_type is not available in your domain order. |
1016 | dns_record limit reached | The dns record limit has been reached. |
1017 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1018 | dns_record already exits | The dns record you want to create already exits. |
1019 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
API Documentation RunningExamples domain.dns_create_record PHP
This method is used create a dns record of your domain.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
dns_record_id | int | The id of the dns record you want to delete. |
Only 'status' = '100' if request was accepted.
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | customer_id not given | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1002 | dns_record_id not given | There are no dns_record_id given. |
1003 | dns_record not found | No dns record found for dns_record_id. |
1004 | order not ready | The order of the dns_record_id is not ready. |
1005 | dns_record not managed by customer | The dns record is not managed by you. |
API Documentation RunningExamples domain.dns_delete_record PHP
This method is used to update a dns record for your domain.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
dns_record_id | int | The id of the dns record you want to update. |
dns_record_value(optional) | string | The new dns record value of the dns record you want to update |
dns_record_prio(optional) | int | The new prio of the dns_record you want to update (only essential for mx records). |
dns_record_ttl(optional) | int | The new ttl of the dns record you want to update. At least 43200. |
Only 'status' = '100' if request was accepted.
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | nothing to do | There is nothing to do! You send an empty request. |
1002 | dns_record_id not given | The dns_record_id was not given. |
1003 | dns_record_id not valid | The given dns_record_id is not valid. |
1004 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1005 | dns_record_type not valid | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1006 | dns_record_value not valid | The given dns_record_value is not valid. |
1007 | dns_record_type not accept dns_record_prio | You send dns_record_prio but the current dns_record_type does not accept dns_record_prio. |
1008 | dns_record_ttl to low | The given dns_record_ttl is lower 43200. |
1009 | dns_record not found | No dns record found for dns_record_id. |
1010 | order not ready | The Domainorder is not in the status 'ready'. |
1011 | dns_record not managed by customer | The dns_record of the given dns_record_id is not managed by you. |
1012 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1013 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1014 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
API Documentation RunningExamples domain.dns_update_record PHP
This method is used to show all activ dns records.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
domain_id | int | The domain_id of the domain for which you want to see all the dns records. |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
dns_records | array asoc | An array asoc of all activ dns records for your domain. |
dns_records - Keys of the second dimension.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
<dns_record_id> | array asoc | An array asoc with all data of the dns record. |
<dns_record_id> - Keys of the third dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
dns_record_name | string | The full name of the current dns record. |
dns_record_type | string | The type of the current dns record. |
dns_record_content | string | The content of the current dns record. |
dns_record_ttl | int | The ttl of the current dns record. |
dns_record_prio | int | The prio of the current dns record(only on mx records). |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | customer_id not given | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1002 | domain_id not given | There is no domain_id given. |
1003 | domain not found | No domain found for domain_id. |
1004 | order not ready | The order of the domain_id is not ready. |
1005 | domain not managed by customer | domain not managed by customer |
1006 | no dns_record found | No dns records found for domain. |
API Documentation RunningExamples domain.dns_get_active_records PHP
This method is used to create a redirect record.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
domain_id | int | The domain_id of the domain you want to create a redirect record for. |
redirect_record_type | string | The type of redirect record you want to create. Possible types are frameredirect or headerredirect |
redirect_record_subdomain (optional) | string | The subdomain of the redirect record you want to create. |
redirect_record_location | string | The location of the redirect_record. Only URL start with http:// OR https://). |
redirect_record_status_code (optional) | int | An webserver status code that describes the type of redirection(Only for redirect_record_type headerredirect). Available codes are 301, 302 and 307. |
redirect_record_title (optional) | string | The title of your redirect record (Only for frameredirect). |
redirect_record_description (optional) | string | The description of you redirect record (Only for frameredirect). |
redirect_record_author (optional) | string | The description of you redirect record (Only for frameredirect). |
redirect_record_keywords (optional) | string | The keywords of your redirect record (Only for frameredirect). |
redirect_record_robots (optional) | string | The robot description of your redirect_record (Only for frameredirect). |
redirect_record_favicon (optional) | string | The favicon url of your redirect_record (Only for frameredirect). |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
redirect_record_id | int | The id of the redirect record you have created. |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | domain_id not given | The domain_id was not given. |
1002 | redirect_record_type not given | The redirect_record_type was not given |
1003 | parameter redirect_record_title, redirect_record_description, redirect_record_author, redirect_record_keywords, redirect_record_robots, redirect_record_favicon not available for redirect_record_type | You send invalid parameter for headerredirect. |
1004 | redirect_record_location not given | The redirect_record_location was not given. |
1005 | redirect_record_status_code not given | The redirect_record_status_code was not given. |
1006 | parameter redirect_record_status_code not available for redirect_record_type | You send invalid parameter for frameredirect. |
1007 | redirect_record_location not valid | The given redirect_record_location is not valid. |
1008 | domain not found | No domain found for domain_id. |
1009 | order not ready | The domain order is not ready so you cannot create redirect records. |
1010 | domain not managed by customer | The domain of the given domain_id was not managed by you. |
1011 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1012 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1013 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1014 | redirect is not available | The redirect feature is not available for this domain. |
1015 | <redirect_record_type> is not available | <redirect_record_type> is not available in this order. |
1016 | redirect limit reached | The redirect limit has reached. |
1017 | redirect_record_wildcard is not available | You want to set an wildcard and wildcard is not available for your order. |
1018 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1019 | redirect_record already exits | The redirect record you want to create already exits. |
API Documentation RunningExamples domain.redirect_create_record PHP
This method is used to delete a redirect record.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
redirect_record_id | int | The id of the redirect record you want to delete. |
Only 'status' = '100' if request was accepted.
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | customer_id not given | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1002 | redirect_record_id not given | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1003 | redirect_record not found | No redirect record found for redirect_record id. |
1004 | order not ready | The order of the redirect record id is not ready. |
1005 | redirect_record not managed by customer | The redirect record is not managed by you. |
API Documentation RunningExamples domain.redirect_delete_record PHP
This method is used to update a redirect record.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
redirect_record_id | int | The id of the redirect record you want to update. |
redirect_record_location (optional) | string | The location of the redirect record you want to update. Only URL start with http:// OR https://). |
redirect_record_status_code (optional) | int | An webserver status code that describes the type of redirection (Only for redirect_record_type headerredirect). Available codes are 301, 302 and 307. |
redirect_record_title (optional) | string | The title of your redirect record (Only for frameredirect). |
redirect_record_description (optional) | string | The description of you redirect record (Only for frameredirect). |
redirect_record_author (optional) | string | The description of you redirect record (Only for frameredirect). |
redirect_record_keywords (optional) | string | The robots description of your redirect_record (Only for frameredirect). |
redirect_record_favicon (optional) | string | The favicon url of your redirect_record (Only for frameredirect). |
Only 'status' = '100' if request was accepted.
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | redirect_record_id not given | The redirect_record_id was not given. |
1002 | redirect_record not found | No redirect record found for redirect_record id. |
1003 | order not ready | The order of the redirect record id is not ready. |
1004 | redirect_record not managed by customer | The redirect record is not managed by you. |
1005 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1006 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1007 | redirect_record_type not valid | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1008 | parameter redirect_record_title, redirect_record_description, redirect_record_author, redirect_record_keywords, redirect_record_robots, redirect_record_favicon not available for redirect_record_type | The current redirect record is a headerredirect and you send invalid parameter. |
1009 | nothing to do | There is nothing to do. |
1010 | parameter redirect_record_status_code not available for redirect_record_type | The current redirect record is a frameredirect and you send invalid parameter. |
1011 | nothing to do | There is nothing to do. |
1012 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1013 | internal error | Internal error,please contact the support! |
API Documentation RunningExamples domain.redirect_update_record PHP
This method is used to show all activ redirect records.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
domain_id | int | The domain_id of the domain for which you want to see all the redirect records. |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
redirect_records | array asoc | An array asoc of all activ redirect records for your domain. |
redirect_records - Keys of the second dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
<redirect_record_id> | array asoc | An array asoc with all data of the redirect record. |
<redirect_record_id> - Keys of the third dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
redirect_record_type | string | The type of the current redirect record. |
redirect_record_status_code | int | The Webserver status code of the current redirect record. (only on headerredirect records) |
redirect_record_name | string | The name of the current redirect record. |
redirect_record_location | string | The location of the current redirect record. |
redirect_record_title | string | The title of the current redirect record (only on frameredirect records). |
redirect_record_description | string | The description of the current redirect record (only on frameredirect records). |
redirect_record_author | string | The author of the current redirect record (only on frameredirect records). |
redirect_record_keywords | string | The keywords of the current redirect record (only on frameredirect records). |
redirect_record_robots | string | The robots description of the current redirect record (only on frameredirect records). |
redirect_record_favicon | string | The favicon url of the current redirect record (only on frameredirect records). |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | customer_id not given | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1002 | domain_id not given | There is no domain_id given. |
1003 | domain not found | No domain found for domain id. |
1004 | order not ready | The order of the domain id is not ready. |
1005 | domain not managed by customer | The domain is not managed by you. |
1006 | no redirect records found | No redirect records found for domain. |
API Documentation RunningExamples domain.redirect_get_active_records PHP
This method is used for a short check if the domain is available.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
domain_name | string | The name of the domain you want to check. |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
is_available | int | 0(domain is not available) or 1 (domain is available) |
API Documentation RunningExamples domain.check PHP
Order-related Methods
This method is used to get a list of items that can be ordered.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
item_group | string | The item group you want to show. Possible item groups are server, vserver, cloud, hosting, mail or domain. |
item_name_regexp (optional) | string | A regex to limit the result by item_name |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
item_list | array asoc | A list of all possible items. |
item_list_count | int | The count of the itemlist . |
item_list - Keys of the second dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
<item_list_id> | array asoc | An array asoc with all data of the item. |
<item_list_id> - Keys of the third dimension
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
item_id | int | The id of the item. |
item_name | string | The name of the item. |
item_billing_period | int | The billing period of the item. |
item_contract_period | int | The contract period of the item. |
item_mrc | string | Monthly recurring costs of the item. |
item_nrc | string | Non recurring costs of the item. |
item_nrc_sale | string | Non recurring costs of the item if sale is active(only present if sale is active for this item). |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1002 | item_group not given | There is no item group given. |
1003 | item_group invalid | The item group is not valid. |
101004 | pg_id invalid | Internal error, please contact the support! |
101005 | can not load data | Item data can not be load. |
API Documentation RunningExamples order_external.get_possible_items PHP
This method is used for to create orders.
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
item_id | int | The item id of your destination item. |
domain_name (optional) | string | The domain name for your order need for item group domain, hosting and mail. |
domain_authcode (optional) | string | The authcode for your domain if your domain is not free. |
Field / Key Name | Type | Description |
total_amount_formatted | string | The amount of your order in format '0,00'. |
total_amount | float | The amount of your order in float format ('0.00'). |
Code | Short Message | Description |
1001 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1002 | tac not accepted | Tac not accepted, please accept tac! |
1003 | item_id not given | The item id has not been given! |
1004 | item_id invalid | The item id is invalid. |
1005 | item_id invalid | The item id is invalid. |
1006 | item_id invalid | The item id is invalid. |
1007 | item_id invalid | The item id is invalid. |
1008 | item_id invalid | The item id is invalid. |
1009 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1010 | domain_name not given | Domain name needed but not given. |
1011 | domain_name invalid | Domain name is not valid. |
1012 | domain_name not possible for item_id | Domain name is not valid for this item id. |
1013 | domain_name invalid | Domain name is not valid. |
1014 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1015 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1016 | domain_authcode not given | Domain authcode needed but not given. |
1017 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1018 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
1019 | internal error | Internal error, please contact the support! |
API Documentation RunningExamples order external.create_order PHP
XML Fault-Codes (Error Messages)