Absicherung von NTP/en

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Securing NTP


Securing NTP


When using open or insufficiently secured NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers abuse of these server could occur. One possible attacking scenario includes flooding of the server with traffic (amplificiation/reflection DDoS). In order to maintain the safety of servers and virtual servers (and of the whole EUserv network) we have gathered some steps that should be considered when running a NTP server or client.

Safety check

If you are running an open NTP server: the Open NTP project allows you to check if your server poses a potential target for attacks. Use the following link to run a check:




To configure a client which only sends NTP requests to a server (and not accepting any requests beside from localhost), use the following example configuration (the configuration usually is located at /etc/ntp.conf). Just replace the IPv4/IPv6 addresses and hostname with your desired servers:

restrict -4 default nomodify nopeer noquery notrap
restrict -6 default nomodify nopeer noquery notrap

# Allow NTP messages only from localhost

restrict ::1

# NTP servers which we want to use

server 192.x.x.x
server 2001:db0a::x
server time.example.net

Note: Trustful NTP servers include the pool servers which are available for each time zone. The "global" servers for the European for instance are:

  • 0.europe.pool.ntp.org
  • 1.europe.pool.ntp.org
  • 2.europe.pool.ntp.org
  • 3.europe.pool.ntp.org

EUserv also runs an NTP server (stratum 1). You can use it by simply adding the line


to your /etc/ntp.conf

For further protection of the client from remote servers, the following firewall rules (in this case: iptables) have to be applied:

-A INPUT -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -p udp --sport 123:123 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -p udp --dport 123:123 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT


When configuring the server it should be additionally considered to state the restrictions and access policies for remote servers and net segments:

restrict -4 default nomodify nopeer noquery notrap
restrict -6 default nomodify nopeer noquery notrap

# Allow NTP messages only from localhost

restrict ::1

# NTP servers which we want to use

server 192.x.x.x
server 2001:db0a::x
server time.example.net

# Restrictions

restrict time.example.net nomodify notrap noquery
restrict 2001:db0a::x mask nomodify notrap noquery
restrict 192.x.x.x mask nomodify notrap noquery

# Define the net segments which are allowed access

restrict mask nomodify notrap
restrict mask nomodify notrap


Additional safety can be achieved by using keys. This is useful when:

  • Time synchronization shall only be done with trusted sources
  • An attacker sends faked time stamps
  • An attacker disguises as another server


Key-based authentication has to be set up on both sides. The following instructions apply to both server and client:

Uncomment the following line in /etc/ntp.conf. You may choose the location for your key file freely:

# keys /etc/ntp.keys

Now you will have to create the corresponding key file (here: /etc/ntp.keys) and enter your keys there. Since they are stored in plain text you will have to make sure they have the right access permissions:

chmod 0700 /etc/ntp.keys

There are two commonly used key types: A and M. An A key consists of 8 ASCII characters (DES encrypted), an M key of up to 31 ASCII chars (MD5 encrypted).

The key format in /etc/ntp.keys looks like the following:

1   A    PasSword
2   M    123.Test?
13  A    I_see!
398 M    NTP_Key298

The first column contains the key number (1-65535), the second one the key type and the third one the password.


On the client you will have to define for which NTP servers you would like to use authentication. Expand your server directives in /etc/ntp.conf with the keywords key [KEY NUMBER]. In our example this would look like the following:

server 192.x.x.x key 1
server 2001:db0a::x key 13
server time.example.net key 398

If you ONLY want to allow authenticated connections, add the following line in the configuration file:

enable auth


Now you'll need to specify which keys are to be trusted on the server. This can be done with the following line in /etc/ntp.conf:

trustedkeys 1 2 13 398

Just add the numbers (from the first column, see above) of your trusted keys).