API Documentation RunningExamples vserver.reset PHP
Aus EUserv Wiki
Version vom 14:08, 28. Sep. 2015 bei Svtr1 (Diskussion | Beiträge)
<?php include_once('lib/xmlrpc.inc'); $xmlrpc_internalencoding = 'UTF-8'; //config $host = 'api.test.euserv.net'; $port = 443; $username = '<API_USER>'; $password = '<API_USER_PASSWORD>'; $api_path = ''; //init result var $result = array(); //set command and parameter $command = 'vserver.reset'; $parameter = array(); $parameter['vsrvord_id'] = '<VSRVORD_ID>'; class euserv_api { var $host = ''; var $port = ''; var $user = ''; var $pass = ''; var $api_path = ''; var $result_xml = ''; var $result_obj; var $clienturl = ''; function login($host='',$port='',$username='',$password='',$api_path='') { $result = 0; $this->fault = 0; $this->host = $host; $this->port = $port; $this->user = $username; $this->pass = $password; $this->api_path = $api_path; $this->clienturl = 'https://'.$this->host.':'.$this->port.'/'.$api_path; $f = new xmlrpcmsg('debug.get_api_version'); $f->addParam(new xmlrpcval( array ( 'login' => new xmlrpcval($this->user, 'string'), 'password' => new xmlrpcval($this->pass, 'string') ) ,'struct')); $c = new xmlrpc_client($this->clienturl); $c->setSSLVerifyPeer(0); $r = $c->send($f,5,'https'); if (!$r->faultCode()) { $result_assoc = $this->load_assoc($r->value()); } else { $result_assoc = array(); $result_assoc['faultCode'] = $r->faultCode(); $result_assoc['faultString'] = $r->faultString(); } unset($c); unset($r); return $result_assoc; } function fetch_assoc($command='',$parameter=array()) { $this->result_xml = ''; $keya = array_keys($parameter); $ic = 0; $paramar = array(); $paramar['login'] = new xmlrpcval($this->user, 'string'); $paramar['password'] = new xmlrpcval($this->pass, 'string'); while ($ic < count($parameter)) { if (is_array($parameter[$keya[$ic]])) { $paramar[$keya[$ic]] = $this->convert_params($parameter[$keya[$ic]]); } else { $paramar[$keya[$ic]] = new xmlrpcval($parameter[$keya[$ic]]); } $ic = $ic+1; } $f = new xmlrpcmsg($command); $f->addParam(new xmlrpcval($paramar,'struct')); $c = new xmlrpc_client($this->clienturl); $c->setSSLVerifyPeer(0); $r = $c->send($f,10,'https'); if (!$r->faultCode()) { $result_assoc = $this->load_assoc($r->value()); } else { $result_assoc = array(); $result_assoc['faultCode'] = $r->faultCode(); $result_assoc['faultString'] = $r->faultString(); } unset($c); unset($r); return $result_assoc; } function load_assoc($xmlrpcobj) { $result_arr = array(); if(!($xmlrpcobj->kindOf() == 'struct')) { return $result_arr; } while (list($keyname, $data) = $xmlrpcobj->structEach()) { $tmp_obj = array(); $tmp_obj = $this->load_assoc($data); if(!count($tmp_obj)) { $result_arr[$keyname.''] = $data->scalarval(); } else { $result_arr[$keyname.''] = $tmp_obj; } } return $result_arr; } function convert_params($parameter) { $param = $parameter; $keya = array_keys($parameter); $paramar = array(); $ic = 0; while ($ic < count($param)) { if (is_array($param[$keya[$ic]])) { $paramar[$keya[$ic]] = $this->convert_params($param[$keya[$ic]]); } else { $paramar[$keya[$ic]] = new xmlrpcval($param[$keya[$ic]]); } $ic = $ic+1; } return new xmlrpcval($paramar,'struct'); } } //create object from class $euserv_api = new euserv_api(); //login and get version $euserv_api->login($host, $port, $username, $password, $api_path); //execute command and get result as associative array $result = $euserv_api->fetch_assoc($command,$parameter); //print result with print_r echo '<html><pre>'; print_r($result); echo '</pre></html>'; ?>