Kundencenter Kundendaten/en

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Changing customer data



Changing customer data


If you have an EUserv plan, you have the possibility to change your personal data in the EUserv customer service center.

If your address has changed or you have changed your phone number, you can easily update your data in the customer service center.

Edit customer data

In the EUserv customer service center, you have the opportunity to edit your customer data. Select "Kundendaten" in the left menu.


Now you can view and edit your customer data.



Changing customer data

If you want to change your data, click in the appropriate box and enter the appropriate changes.

Please note:

The following data cannot be changed:

- First Name

- Last Name

- Date of birth

- Email Address

For the case that you want to transfer your contracts to another person, you must perform a contract transfer

If your email address has changed, this change can only be done manually by a support agent. In this case, please use the following update form:



Changing account password

Below "Account-Passwort" you have the possibility to change your password. You have to enter your password twice for safety's sake. It is important to note that your password has to be at least 8 and maximal 16 characters long and must be provided with at least two uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers.


Changing optional customer data

Below "optionale Kundendaten" you are allowed to make changes of your extended customer data. These are optional (check boxes) or only at certain plans of needs.


By clicking on "Speichern" you apply your changes permanently. Please note, that the hook must be set by "Ich habe die aktuell gültigen AGB, BGB und deren Anlagen gelesen und akzeptiere diese. Link (Letzte Bestaetigung am 21.11.2012) -I have read and accept the terms of the currently valid AGB, BGB and its attachments."

Other customer data

Below "Weitere Kundendaten" you can make additional entries, such as selecting another alternative email address, e.g. for billing purposes.
