API Documentation RunningExample domain.get domain order details PHP
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Version vom 09:06, 3. Sep. 2012 bei Root (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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<?php //includes the class library include_once("lib/xmlrpc.inc"); $xmlrpc_internalencoding = 'UTF-8'; $host="api.test.euserv.net"; $port=443; $username="<API_USER>"; $password="<API_USER_PASSWORD>"; $api_path="/"; $order_id=1337; //defines the function function domain_get_domain_order_details($host,$port,$username,$password,$api_path,$order_id) { //creates the serverurl $serverurl = 'https://'.$host.':'.$port.'/'.$api_path; //----------creates the message which will be send to the server---------- //creates the request for the XML-RPC Server $request = new xmlrpcmsg('domain.get_domain_order_details'); //adds parameters to the request $request->addParam ( //creates a value of type struct which contains an array with the username and password new xmlrpcval ( array ( //creates a value of type string which contains the "$username" 'login' => new xmlrpcval($username, 'string'), //creates a value of type string which contains the "$password" 'password' => new xmlrpcval($password, 'string'), //creates a value 'order_id' => new xmlrpcval($order_id, 'int'), ) ,'struct' ) ); //----------creates the XML-RPC client which represent a client of an XML-RPC server---------- //creates the client $client = new xmlrpc_client($serverurl); //disable SSL Keycheck $client->setSSLVerifyPeer(0); //----------sends the request to the server and gets the response---------- //sends the request via https and writes it into $response. timeout is set to 0 $response = $client->send($request,0,'https'); //generates a storable representation of $response and writes it into $result_xml //echo $response->serialize(); //checks the response. if the method "faultCode" returns zero, the response was succesfull if (0==$response->faultCode()) { //returns the value sent by the server $value = $response->value(); //returns the actual PHP-language value of "value" $result_obj = $value->scalarval(); //destroys "value" unset($value); } else { //returns the faultCode and the faultString return $error = array ( 'faultCode' => $response->faultCode(), 'faultString' => $response->faultString()); } //destroys "client" unset($client); //destroys "response" unset($response); //----------reads the result_obj---------- //if result_obj is set then it returns the actual PHP-language value of "result_obj" if (isset($result_obj['status'])) { $value['status'] = $result_obj['status']->scalarval(); } if (isset($result_obj['domain_order_details'])) { //resets the internal pointer for structEach() to the beginning of the struct $result_obj['domain_order_details']->structreset(); //reads the keys and values and list returns an array. if no keys and values are read out list returns no array and the while-loop stops execution while (list($keyname, $data) = $result_obj['domain_order_details']->structEach()) { #--->FIRST DIMENSION<--- $domain_order_numbers[$keyname] = $data->scalarval(); $domaindaten = $domain_order_numbers[$keyname]; $z=0; //gets the array_keys(members) $domainkeys = array_keys($domaindaten); //counts the arraykeys, the number of arraykeys will be used in the do-while construct $anzahldomainkeys = count($domainkeys); do { //reads the first dimension and writes the result in an array $arraydomaindata[$keyname][$domainkeys[$z]] = $domaindaten[$domainkeys[$z]]->scalarval(); $z=$z+1; } while($z<$anzahldomainkeys); } //gets the array_keys(members) of "daten" $daten = $arraydomaindata; $domainkeys = array_keys($daten); $k=0; $anzahldomainorder = count($domainkeys); #READS THE DATA AND WRITES IT INTO AN ARRAY do { #--->SECOND DIMENSION<--- $x=0; $arraykeys1 = array_keys($daten[$domainkeys[$k]]); $anzahlkeys1 = count($arraykeys1); do { #--->THIRD DIMENSION<--- //if value is an array then read each value of this array if($arraykeys1[$x]=="dns_record_type" OR $arraykeys1[$x]=="redirect_record_type") { $y=0; $arraykeys2 = array_keys($daten[$domainkeys[$k]][$arraykeys1[$x]]); $anzahlkeys2 = count($arraykeys2); $subarray1 = $daten[$domainkeys[$k]][$arraykeys1[$x]]; do { #--->FOURTH DIMENSION<--- $q=0; if($arraykeys1[$x]=="redirect_record_type") { $subresultarray1[$arraykeys2[$y]] = $subarray1[$arraykeys2[$q]]->scalarval(); } else { $arraykeys3 = array_keys($subarray1[$arraykeys2[$y]]->scalarval()); $anzahlkeys3 = count($arraykeys3); $subarray2 = $subarray1[$arraykeys2[$y]]->scalarval(); do { #--->FIFTH DIMENSION<--- $subresultarray[$arraykeys2[$y]][$arraykeys3[$q]] = $subarray2[$arraykeys3[$q]]->scalarval(); $q=$q+1; } while($q<$anzahlkeys3); } $y=$y+1; } while($y<$anzahlkeys2); if($arraykeys1[$x]=="redirect_record_type") { $resultarray[$domainkeys[$k]][$arraykeys1[$x]] = $subresultarray1; } else { $resultarray[$domainkeys[$k]][$arraykeys1[$x]] = $subresultarray; } } else { $resultarray[$domainkeys[$k]][$arraykeys1[$x]] = $daten[$domainkeys[$k]][$arraykeys1[$x]]; } $x=$x+1; } while($x<$anzahlkeys1); $k=$k+1; } while($k<$anzahldomainorder); //writes the array into the array "value" $value['domain_order_details'] = $resultarray; } return $value; } //calls the function $result = domain_get_domain_order_details($host,$port,$username,$password,$api_path,$order_id); if(0==$result['faultCode']) { echo "Status: ".$result['status']."<br><br>"; //writes the array into "daten" $data = $result["domain_order_details"]; //gets the array_keys(members) $domainkeys = array_keys($data);; $k=0; $anzahldomainorder = count($domainkeys); //AN EXAMPLE HOW YOU CAN READ THE DATA OUT OF THE ARRAY //the array will be readed in the same procedure like it was already done in the function //the main difference is that it outputs the data instead of writes it into an array do { echo " <u><h2>".$domainkeys[$k]."</h2></u>"; $x=0; $arraykeys1 = array_keys($data[$domainkeys[$k]]); $anzahlkeys1 = count($arraykeys1); #--->THIRD DIMENSION<--- do { //if value is an array then read each value of this array if($arraykeys1[$x]=="dns_record_type" OR $arraykeys1[$x]=="redirect_record_type") { $y=0; $arraykeys2 = array_keys($data[$domainkeys[$k]][$arraykeys1[$x]]); $anzahlkeys2 = count($arraykeys2); $subarray1 = $data[$domainkeys[$k]][$arraykeys1[$x]]; echo "<strong><u>".$arraykeys1[$x]."</u></strong>"; #--->FOURTH DIMENSION<--- do { $q=0; #--->FIFTH DIMENSION<--- if($arraykeys1[$x]=="redirect_record_type") { echo "<br><u>".$arraykeys2[$y]."</u>"; echo ": ".$subarray1[$arraykeys2[$q]]."<br>"; } else { $arraykeys3 = array_keys($subarray1[$arraykeys2[$y]]); $anzahlkeys3 = count($arraykeys3); $subarray2 = $subarray1[$arraykeys2[$y]]; echo "<br><u>".$arraykeys2[$y]."</u><br>"; do { echo $arraykeys3[$q].": ".$subarray2[$arraykeys3[$q]]."<br>"; $q=$q+1; } while($q<$anzahlkeys3); } $y=$y+1; } while($y<$anzahlkeys2); } else { echo "<strong><u>".$arraykeys1[$x]."</u></strong>: ".$data[$domainkeys[$k]][$arraykeys1[$x]]."<br><br>"; } $x=$x+1; } while($x<$anzahlkeys1); $k=$k+1; } while($k<$anzahldomainorder); } else { echo "faultCode: ".$result['faultCode']." faultString: ".$result['faultString']; } ?>