Kundencenter Domain Inklusiv-Domains/en
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Booking inclusive Domains and generating AuthCode
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Booking inclusive Domains and generating AuthCode
If you have an EUserv webspace contract, there is a possibility to book other domains depending on your plan in the EUserv customer service center.
You must select a desired and more efficient rate with no extra order, but can easily upgrade in the customer service center.
You can see and generate this menu in the AuthCodes for the already cancelled domains.
Inclusive Domains
In the EUserv customer service center, you have the possibility to book your inclusive domains.
Choose your contract that you want to book for the inclusive domains.
Click on the left menu on "Domains". Now, you will get to the next page that shows all domains of your contract. The page presents, how many domains are already associated with the contract and how many rate still you have.
Adding Inclusive Domains
If you want to add another inclusive domain to your webspace contract, enter this in the field under "gewünschte Domain" and select from the drop-down menu the desired TLD.
Showing the AuthCode
If the cancellation was executed for one of your domains successfully, the AuthCode is available to you to be able to use the domain. In a normal cancellation, the domain will not be deleted but only dissolved the contract. You can claim it with the help of the AuthCodes.
Generating the AuthCode
You find the AuthCode in the column "AuthCode". If it is not functioning, because it is too old (AuthCodes have an expiry date within 30 days) or should not have to be generated (N/A), you generate it by yourself a new AuthCode with a click on "Generieren".
To know the status of your AuthCode, you can see it in the column "Status".